Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fun with kitties!

See pictures:

Hi Darcy,

Just wanted to send you a little update on life with my kitties.......

Nicholas (or Nikolai - both names come out of my mouth equally and he never stops long enough to pay attention to what I call him!) is such a happy addition to our household. As you know I wasn't sure how Kisa would respond to him. While she has her silly moments I have never thought she would be all that interested in play - what I didn't realize was that it wasn't that she wasn't interested in play - she just never had a dear friend to play with! Her little brother comes running right to her and bumps against her and they will wrestle (all fun!) and she will even wash him! Her whole life no longer revolves around food and cat naps - she is more active than ever and just as loving with me as ever. I love coming in my door and having both kitties come running to me and bedtime is great - they both snuggle up right next to me (Nicholas just takes a little longer to calm down) - they used to each take a side of me, but for the past couple of nights that have both slept on the same side. Nicholas continues to get stronger and stronger each day. He climbs on EVERYTHING! and is developing amazing pouncing skills. He is a constant bouncing ball of joy! He is also just the dearest little kitten and loves snuggling with anyone - friends, family - he welcomes everyone into our home very warmly and has fun showing off his toys and tricks and purr-machine.

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