Mommy Karin -SOOOO much has been going on at my new home and I wanted to share with you all the good things. Progress is definitely being made on the bonding aspect with Peek-a-Boo and Pebbles too. It's all so exciting and I don't know where to begin...
Last night we all engaged in a play date. Peek-a-Boo and Pebbles really like that cat dancer toy and were very animated with it. Naturally I took that as my cue to get in on the game. Well, maybe I got a little over anxious because Pebbles did a little hissing. But that's okay because we all trying to breakdown the barriers. Leslie intervened a little and got me interested in a different toy while Peek-a-Boo and Pebbles went back to playing. This really all is a milestone because it looks like those two are "getting back to normal." Huge relief for all.
Another wonderful thing...Peek-a-Boo and I kissed - I even got to put my head in her bowl and she didn't do anything, but Leslie did...she took me away. As you can see, I still have my nose to the ground scrounging.
Peek-a-Boo has been and continues to be really patient with me.Everyone on the big bed! :) That's what happened last night. We all snuggled up against Leslie and there wasn't any hissing. This, too, is really huge because Pebbles hasn't been too happy about coming up when I'm there. It was the first night since I've been here that this has happened. Peek-a-Boo spent the night on the bed too - something she normally does. This could get a little crowded...I hope they don't take up too much room.
The other two are using my litter box. :( Oh well, makes no difference, I use theirs. I try to watch Peek-a-Boo because she's real good about cleaning up after Pebbles and me. But then a little light bulb goes off in my head and I say to myself "why bother...just let Peek-a-Boo do it.
"Oh Mommy Karin, you should have seen me this morning. Play time in the hallway. We all went out first thing - as we do everyday - and we charged down to the very end. I even went around the bend after Leslie checked to see that the fire door was closed. There's just so much to explore. I'm telling you it was a regular Kodak moment and we didn't have the camera.
After breakfast, we had a little laser light game going on before settling into the apartment for the day.
I hope that all the other little kitties from Kitten Little Rescue get to find such good homes. I know that all those nice people at the shelter will match the kittens up with the right people.
Well Mommy Karin, don't forget that I think about you, Charlotte and Peter Pan often. I'm never too busy for that. I frequently wonder what you're all up to and hope that you're all well. I'll make sure to write again soon to keep you posted on my progress. I'm trying to be a good girl and think I'm doing a pretty good job. We'll send photos again too. Maybe I can get Peek-a-Boo and Pebbles to pose with me! :)
Hugs and kitty kisses to all,
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
What a Difference a Day Makes...

Mommy Karin -
I hope this finds you, Peter Pan and Charlotte are well. Isn't this beautiful weather? I've got so many little feathery things to look at when I peek outside the windows. Did you know they made all sorts of noise?
Last night was a pretty good night. I got to stay on the big bed and when Pebbles jumped up a couple of times there was a little hissing and growling, but I stood my ground. Peek-a-Boo came on the bed too, but didn't stay long. Fortunately, those two are getting back to their old selves especially when they're in the hallway. Once they come back inside though, Pebbles gets a bit agitated. I keep trying to impress them with my ability to play by myself. During the night, when I knew that they were both watching me, I decided to be very cheeky and take this toy - a ball with a furry tail - and bring it onto the bed, throw it in the air and bounce around with it. Great fun, or so I thought. Then, something distracted me, so I got off the bed and Leslie rolled to ball toward me. I chased it and was playing with it in front of Pebbles. We all heard a few growls at that point. Peek-a-Boo is taking the approach to let Pebbles be the "bad guy" and she's making the effort to break the ice. This morning she came a little closer to me and she seemed much more curious than irritable. I was flattered.
Mommy Karin, I made everyone very happy today. I christened my new potty. And, the great thing about that is, Peek-a-Boo does all the potty housekeeping and I don't have to. I've been eating all my food and try hard not to scavenge, but I still have my nose to the floor.
Well, I've got to catch up on my beauty sleep now. It's exhausting being so cute and cuddly. Peek-a-Boo, Pebbles and I are going to be left alone for a little bit today. We'll all have to be on our best behavior.
Love to you, Peter Pan and Charlotte,
I hope this finds you, Peter Pan and Charlotte are well. Isn't this beautiful weather? I've got so many little feathery things to look at when I peek outside the windows. Did you know they made all sorts of noise?
Last night was a pretty good night. I got to stay on the big bed and when Pebbles jumped up a couple of times there was a little hissing and growling, but I stood my ground. Peek-a-Boo came on the bed too, but didn't stay long. Fortunately, those two are getting back to their old selves especially when they're in the hallway. Once they come back inside though, Pebbles gets a bit agitated. I keep trying to impress them with my ability to play by myself. During the night, when I knew that they were both watching me, I decided to be very cheeky and take this toy - a ball with a furry tail - and bring it onto the bed, throw it in the air and bounce around with it. Great fun, or so I thought. Then, something distracted me, so I got off the bed and Leslie rolled to ball toward me. I chased it and was playing with it in front of Pebbles. We all heard a few growls at that point. Peek-a-Boo is taking the approach to let Pebbles be the "bad guy" and she's making the effort to break the ice. This morning she came a little closer to me and she seemed much more curious than irritable. I was flattered.
Mommy Karin, I made everyone very happy today. I christened my new potty. And, the great thing about that is, Peek-a-Boo does all the potty housekeeping and I don't have to. I've been eating all my food and try hard not to scavenge, but I still have my nose to the floor.
Well, I've got to catch up on my beauty sleep now. It's exhausting being so cute and cuddly. Peek-a-Boo, Pebbles and I are going to be left alone for a little bit today. We'll all have to be on our best behavior.
Love to you, Peter Pan and Charlotte,
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Oh What a Night!

Mommy Karin -
Sorry I couldn't come to the phone when you called today as I was otherwise previously engaged in a tug-of-war with my newest fan member, our neighbor Eddie. Leslie told me that he was going to come in and visit with us while she and Jeann are at work during the week.
I have to tell you, Peter Pan and Charlotte all about my first night at West 60th Street. After you left, I continued my exploring - so much to investigate. Peek-a-Boo and Pebbles did a little hissing at me and at one another. But I decided to take over the place. When it was time to go to sleep - still don't understand why we had to go to bed, I decided that I would lie down on a big pillow. Every time Leslie would get up, I'd have to follow. What fun that was! :) Anyway, all night long I was jumping up and down and all around...I even went up Leslie's t-shirt and came out by her head. I'm such a cheeky girl, aren't I? Oh yeah, Jeannie tells stories in Greek.
Wow, finally breakfast time! :) Boy, was I ever hungry. You know what, Mommy Karin? Leslie opened the front door and everyone got to run outside. Pebbles and Peek-a-Boo went a long way away from home though...I had to follow Leslie because I didn't want to get lost. Guess what I had for breakfast? Yup, you know.
Jeannie took a shower, just like you used to. And I got to lick her toes! Oh boy...I even explored the bath tub. Gee, this place is just like Romper Room. Mommy Karin, this home is still a bit unfamiliar and I miss everyone! I especially miss snuggling with Peter Pan and Charlotte. Maybe if I go to sleep and take a nap, I'll be able to dream about them. That's a good idea. I'll do just that.
I know I promised to pose real cute like, but so far I haven't been too cooperative. However, Leslie did try to get a couple of photos and I asked her to send the only one that showed my better side. I'll try harder to sit still next time.
Hugs and kisses to you, Peter Pan and Charlotte,
Sorry I couldn't come to the phone when you called today as I was otherwise previously engaged in a tug-of-war with my newest fan member, our neighbor Eddie. Leslie told me that he was going to come in and visit with us while she and Jeann are at work during the week.
I have to tell you, Peter Pan and Charlotte all about my first night at West 60th Street. After you left, I continued my exploring - so much to investigate. Peek-a-Boo and Pebbles did a little hissing at me and at one another. But I decided to take over the place. When it was time to go to sleep - still don't understand why we had to go to bed, I decided that I would lie down on a big pillow. Every time Leslie would get up, I'd have to follow. What fun that was! :) Anyway, all night long I was jumping up and down and all around...I even went up Leslie's t-shirt and came out by her head. I'm such a cheeky girl, aren't I? Oh yeah, Jeannie tells stories in Greek.
Wow, finally breakfast time! :) Boy, was I ever hungry. You know what, Mommy Karin? Leslie opened the front door and everyone got to run outside. Pebbles and Peek-a-Boo went a long way away from home though...I had to follow Leslie because I didn't want to get lost. Guess what I had for breakfast? Yup, you know.
Jeannie took a shower, just like you used to. And I got to lick her toes! Oh boy...I even explored the bath tub. Gee, this place is just like Romper Room. Mommy Karin, this home is still a bit unfamiliar and I miss everyone! I especially miss snuggling with Peter Pan and Charlotte. Maybe if I go to sleep and take a nap, I'll be able to dream about them. That's a good idea. I'll do just that.
I know I promised to pose real cute like, but so far I haven't been too cooperative. However, Leslie did try to get a couple of photos and I asked her to send the only one that showed my better side. I'll try harder to sit still next time.
Hugs and kisses to you, Peter Pan and Charlotte,
Peaches Says Good Night
Dear Karin -
I wanted to send this note to thank you for the love and warmth that you, Peter Pan and Charlotte gave to me while I was in your home. I am forever grateful to you and you will always be a part of my life and in my memories.
I promise that I will be on my best behavior while with Peek-a-Boo and Pebbles too - I'm sure we'll become fast friends...once the fur settles down. I know that Leslie and Jeann will take good care of me and that we'll all have a terrific life together. But you must promise me that you'll come for frequent visits - I'd like that a lot. I'll make sure to pose real cute like for all the pictures that Leslie takes - you'll never forget this adorable face.
Well, I should probably get back to this "getting acquainted stuff" so that we can all begin the family bonding process. Please know that I miss you all already, but that I'm in good hands. I will never forget you, Peter Pan and Charlotte!
I hope Peter Pan and Charlotte like the toys - gee, it's like Petco here. I'll remember them as I'm lying on the place mat and pillow that you gave to Leslie.
Love to you all,
I wanted to send this note to thank you for the love and warmth that you, Peter Pan and Charlotte gave to me while I was in your home. I am forever grateful to you and you will always be a part of my life and in my memories.
I promise that I will be on my best behavior while with Peek-a-Boo and Pebbles too - I'm sure we'll become fast friends...once the fur settles down. I know that Leslie and Jeann will take good care of me and that we'll all have a terrific life together. But you must promise me that you'll come for frequent visits - I'd like that a lot. I'll make sure to pose real cute like for all the pictures that Leslie takes - you'll never forget this adorable face.
Well, I should probably get back to this "getting acquainted stuff" so that we can all begin the family bonding process. Please know that I miss you all already, but that I'm in good hands. I will never forget you, Peter Pan and Charlotte!
I hope Peter Pan and Charlotte like the toys - gee, it's like Petco here. I'll remember them as I'm lying on the place mat and pillow that you gave to Leslie.
Love to you all,
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Bea and the Pea
Well, hello there boys....My name is Beatrice and I have been hand picked from Kitten Little Rescue to live with Mr. Sweet Pea in an apartment just south of Central Park in Manhattan. Our plans include chasing each other around, batting at each other, cuddling, cleaning each other and of course, breakfast at Tiffany's when our keepers are out working hard to bring home our gourmet feasts.
Our blog:

Beatrice has a Catster profile too:
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Ninja and Olive - adopted 4th August 2008
...The kittens are amazing and keeping me very entertained. Butterscotch (now named Olive) and Mona (now named Ninja) have definitely come into their own. Olive has a sweet, young and hilariously awkward playful personality. Ninja on the other hand is just that... a total ninja! She is methodical, gets into anything she can, and can jump higher than I have ever seen! Anyway, I love how different they are and I can't wait to see them grow into beautiful cats...
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