Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Meet Cat and Zuzu!


I just adopted two black and white kittens from Tammy on Dec 23 and they are doing great! My family and I ADORE them! I just wanted to send you two pictures of them! The one with the hat on is called Cat (from Breakfast at Tiffany's) and the one with the background is Zuzu (from It's a Wonderful Life).

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holiday Dress Up

Oh Mommie Karin -You know how I always say "it's all about me?" Well, perhaps I went a little overboard? Thought it would be a funny idea for all of us to dress up for the holidays…but then Leslie said that it would be cute to see me dance in my outfit and she made me strike a disco pose. How 70's is that? Not that I would know. I hope not too many of my feline friends and family see me like this.

Because Pebbles wouldn't let anyone put a costume on her, she went into the "tunnel" and became a 'tunnel kitty'.

Peek-a-Boo patiently waited and begrudgingly posed only to become a 'stocking stuffer'. As you can tell, Peekie wasn't too keen on this idea, but she didn't have much choice.

Naturally that chunky, red-suited guy with a long white beard didn't forget to make a stop at our house. Even though Leslie says that "everyday is Christmas" for us, we still made out like bandits.

So you can see Mommie Karin, it was a pretty successful first Christmas for me. I don't know what I'll do next year to top this, but I have a whole 12 months to figure that out.

Hoping your holiday was a great one and that Charlotte, Peter Pan and the foster kitties all made out like bandits too.

With wet whisker kisses,

Friday, December 26, 2008

Star's holiday picture

Happy Holidays from Star!!! We celebrated her 1st birthday on Christmas and has adjusted very well to her new suroundings. Can't believe it is 2 months already!!! Best wishes for the New Year!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Very First Snow Fall. Happy Holidays.‏ (Peaches)

Oh Mommie Karin -I've got to share with you something terribly exciting. Today I saw my very first snow fall. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was so excited when I saw these little white dots coming down from the sky. I didn't understand what was going on. Leslie and Jeann put Pebbles and me in the window and they kept pointing to the outside. Pebbles has seen snow before, as has Peek-a-Boo, so although they were interested, it wasn't nearly as exciting for them as it was for me. But Mommie Karin, what a treat.

You know what else, Mommie Karin? Pebbles told me that when there's a lot of white stuff on the outside window ledge, Leslie and Jeann will make little snow balls and bring them into the house. Peek-a-Boo said that the snow is really cold and wet. Must be just like the shower, right? I mean that's sometimes cold and it's always wet. Anyway, Peek-a-Boo said that the best part of having snow balls inside is watching them melt. Now, that's definitely just like the shower.

Isn't it wonderful Mommie Karin that Sassy and Elsa were adopted on Sunday? Do you think that their new Mommie and Daddy will make snow balls for them too? Gosh, I hope so.

I'm hoping all my adoptable brothers and sisters have a wonderful snow filled holiday season.

Wet whisker kisses to all,Peaches

Blissed out

Ok, so Sassy Boy and Elsa hit the jackpot in finding a wonderful forever home in Queens with Ian and Mary who fell in love with them. And I don't blame them. As their foster mom I can honestly say that Sassy Boy and Elsa are just pretty incredible kittens. They are in the process of being renamed. Sassy Boy appeared to be a girl and Elsa a boy...:-). this is what their new family wrote...

The two kitties have settled in just perfectly. They are running around and playing very happily, chasing each other and hiding under the couches and pouncing on each other. They spent the night sleeping curled up with Mary and me. They seem completely relaxed and very happy. They had no trouble with the litter box at all - absolutely perfect.
To be continued...!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Mommie Karin -

This is my very first Thanksgiving. Leslie and Jeann said that I had to have a little time out and think about what I'm most thankful for. Between you and me, it didn't take more than a second to think about.I'm most grateful for:

- Mommie Karin, Charlotte and Peter Pan for rescuing me and my sisters and providing a warm and nourishing home
- Leslie and Jeann for finding me so adorable and cheeky and adopting me
- Peek-a-Boo and Pebbles for allowing me to stay with Leslie and Jeann and not sending me back to Mommie Karin's

Very early this morning Leslie and I were up baking...I didn't know I had such talents. Leslie put a little apron on me but I still got myself into the flour. We had such fun. At one point a really, and I mean really, loud alarm went off. I was so scared but Leslie explained that it was just the fire alarm. You see, sometimes that happens when the oven gets very hot. Leslie said that the oven was retaliating because it's hardly ever used...only during the holidays for baking purposes.

We all hope that you, Charlotte and Peter Pan have a wonderful and safe holiday.

We look forward to your next visit in a couple of weeks.

Love and floured wet whisker kisses,


Monday, November 17, 2008

Dart renamed Star...

Sending some updated pictures. I have renamed Dart to Star, because she is a shooting star!! As you can see she has adjusted well to her new surroundings and looks up to her big brother, Duckie.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Special needs kitty Nicholas finds true love...

Hi D'Arcy,

Wait 'til you see the little man! - he is getting big! At first I was worried because he doesn't eat nearly as much as you said he should (he probably eats maybe 4 medallions of the Raw and two big tablespoons of Evo a day and he even leaves behind some of that), but he is (obviously!) growing like a weed and he certainly doesn't seem to be at a lack of energy! - in fact, I wish he didn't have so much energy at 5 am!!! What a wake-up call!!! He's like a pinball! Just a few days ago I could single-fist him to pull him out from under the covers when he dove in, but now he's getting so big I need to double-fist him!!! And just wait until you see him pounce! - he jumps quite high (especially if it's on top of Kisa!)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Meet Ernie & Dexter!

Ernie is the one with white on his tummy and Dexter is the tabby. They're brothers from a litter of seven. Darc'y fostered them. She's been the first mother,and a wonderful one, for all of our adopted kitties. We are so happy to have them in our lives. We've turned into cat lunatics! The first picture is of Ernie and Dexter cleaning up together after a meal. The second is of Ernie on top of Dexter in the magazine rack. They are rough and tumble kittens. The third one is Dexter after he managed to squeeze himself in acereal box. Yes, there's only one cat in that picture. The fourth is Ernie watching the special cat movie. It features exciting footage of chickens, fish, and butterflies...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Birthday to me...

...not that I want this letter to be all about me, but it's my birthday and I'm six months old! I hope we have a party today and invite all my new and old playmates.

Gee Mommie Karin, can you believe I've been with Peek-a-Boo and Pebbles for seven weeks. Wow. Seems like just yesterday that I arrived. Gosh, just a week ago I was home from my very big adventure and allowing the girls time to re-adjust. Now all is back to normal and everyone is extremely happy.

Pebbles and I played a game of tag last night...I chased her into the closet and waited for her to come back out...when she did, I chased her to the other end of the room. Back forth we went. Then I decided that I would play "tunnel." You remember that game, don't you Mommie Karin? That's when I burrow myself into the rug. When I that here, Pebbles goes from one end to the other trying to get me. Sometimes she decides to pounce on me while I'm underneath.

Even though I'm a brave little girl, Leslie still doesn't want me to go around the corner by myself. She insists that one of the big girls go with, but sometimes they don't want to. It during those times that Leslie thinks I'm very cheeky. But when she calls me, I definitely come straight home - not that I actually know my name, more like I know her voice.

So, enough about me. How are you? How are Charlotte and Peter Pan? And my two new step sisters, are they getting better? Did you dress everyone up for Halloween? We didn't have many scary people come to our door...just as well, I probably wouldn't have given out any treats because I would have wanted to eat them myself. Yes, I'm still a bit of a scrounge. I'm trying not to be, but I don't seem to be having much luck.

Well it's time to decide what to do next - either a little kitty nap or look for lunch. I hope this finds that all is well. Enjoy this beautiful weather.

Love to all,

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Must love dogs... Peaches and Butch

I am not afraid of anything, not even of dogs...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fun with kitties!

See pictures:

Hi Darcy,

Just wanted to send you a little update on life with my kitties.......

Nicholas (or Nikolai - both names come out of my mouth equally and he never stops long enough to pay attention to what I call him!) is such a happy addition to our household. As you know I wasn't sure how Kisa would respond to him. While she has her silly moments I have never thought she would be all that interested in play - what I didn't realize was that it wasn't that she wasn't interested in play - she just never had a dear friend to play with! Her little brother comes running right to her and bumps against her and they will wrestle (all fun!) and she will even wash him! Her whole life no longer revolves around food and cat naps - she is more active than ever and just as loving with me as ever. I love coming in my door and having both kitties come running to me and bedtime is great - they both snuggle up right next to me (Nicholas just takes a little longer to calm down) - they used to each take a side of me, but for the past couple of nights that have both slept on the same side. Nicholas continues to get stronger and stronger each day. He climbs on EVERYTHING! and is developing amazing pouncing skills. He is a constant bouncing ball of joy! He is also just the dearest little kitten and loves snuggling with anyone - friends, family - he welcomes everyone into our home very warmly and has fun showing off his toys and tricks and purr-machine.

The spaying experience...

...I missed your phone call again. Oh Mommie Karin, I was just too exhausted to come to the phone last night. You see, something told me that I should just hide in the closet on top of clothes and curl up to go to sleep. So, I did - but that didn't last too long. As soon as the lights went out, I jumped on the bed.

Things aren't quite the same as when I left yesterday morning and I must admit I'm a bit saddened by that. Pebbles is doing a whole lot of growling and hissing...she didn't come on the bed either and seems not to want to eat with the rest of us. Peek-a-Boo is a little more forgiving and doesn't seem to mind too much that I was on an adventure. But still, it's not like it was. Progress needs to be made once again. I followed everyone out into the hallway and tried to re-establish our connection...I'll just have to keep trying.

I'm feeling a little better - still not myself. I had a pretty good breakfast but Leslie didn't want to give me too much at first. So I'm imagining that there will be a second breakfast coming any hour now. In the meantime, I'll just sit here with Leslie and dictate what to say.

I went on a bus ride - wow, that was something. I was a bit scared as we walked to the bus stop...there was a lot of noise that I hadn't heard up close like that before. I think I like looking at the great wide world from inside better. There's really no place like home - especially when Pebbles and PaB love me to pieces.

When I got to the hospital, I was so afraid that I wouldn't come home. Leslie told me that I was going to go to sleep for a little while and when I woke up, she'd be there. Well, that was sorta true. Jeann and she did come and I was very happy to see them. When we got back to the house, I was very wobbly and kept falling down. I didn't want to stay in the mobile house so I just slowly made my way around smelling all the familiar smells. I even went to the potty without any trouble.

We all got up very early this a.m. Probably over tired. I've been trying to figure out how I can get this smell off me. I jumped into the shower and waited for the water to drip out, but that hasn't seemed to help. I think that once this hospital smell goes away, the girls will be back to normal. Seems that a fast one was played on me...I got another manicure. And my tummy is shaved...I'm going to have Leslie take a photo so you can see. I don't have any band-aids on either.

So Mommie Karin, Leslie said that everyone is getting better and that Peter Pan and Charlotte are adjusting to my replacements. That's wonderful because you all need someone or two to keep you all occupied while I'm not there. I'm hoping all is going well and that the little ones - imagine, they're younger than me! - find really good homes soon. Of course, there's no replacing the growing up experience on the Upper West Side though.

I can't wait to see you...I'm getting to be a big girl, but not that big. I'll always be a baby in your eyes. Leslie said that you'll come soon and we'll have a grand time together.

Well, I'm going to take a quick kitten nap here. I'll make sure to send photos next time.

As always, my love and kitty hugs to everyone there,

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Meet Farah and Felix

Gorgious Farah (Bengal) and Felix (black and white) were adopted through Kitten Little Rescue by owner Marni who loves them to pieces...

Friday, October 17, 2008


I adopted a Siamese mix from Tammy at Kitten Little Rescue in June. She is poly-dactyl and was found days old in Central Park and bottle-fed. We named her Fosse (after Dian Fosse - woman who gave her life while trying to protect the mt. gorillas in Rwanda) and she is really something. She keeps my older males on their toes. She is obsessed with mice (fake) and she is a retriever. There is not a morning that goes by I don't wake up with mice in my bed. This morning it was on my pillow right next to my face. She is smart as a whip.
The other two cats are named Everest (the gray and white one); I found him 9yrs ago shortly after he had been thrown from a moving car(several neighbors saw it happen but no one went to help him). His leg was broken in two place and his knee was shattered from a previous incident (probably a kick), he had road rash and cigarrette burns all over. I rushed him to the vet and they put a steel pin in his leg. It was a long healing process but well worth all the time and every penny. He is an exceptional cat with a huge personality.

Mao-Mao (black and white) was found by my mother dumped in a park with his siblings.
We found homes for his siblings and I fell in love with Mao and couldn't let him go. He is five yrs old now.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ninja & Olive

Everything is going wonderfully, both had a bit of a diarrhea parasite problem but with amazing veterinary care are doing great and getting healthy again. Because of the small health delay, we decided to hold off on spaying them until they are both feeling better. It shouldn't be long now. I attached new photos of how big they are, you would be amazed!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy One Week Anniversary

Mommie Karen -

The hugest milestone of them all - we made it to our 1 week anniversary. To add lots of icing to the cake, we had a very special Kodak moment this morning...I washed Peek-a-Boo on her head! :)

It's been a very busy week here and a ton more progress has been made. I'm still my cheeky self getting into a lot of mischief but since everyone always laugh, I guess I can keep it up. The "no no Peaches" have lessened and the hissing only occurs occasionally - usually when I get too rambunctious...which is often. I hope this finds that you, Charlotte and Peter Pan are well. I miss you guys!

Here are some of the other highlights for the week:
Climbing mountains - actually just the walls, door frames and the window pane
Reaching new limits - scaling the Chinese screens and Leslie's leg when my breakfast doesn't come fast enough
Playing patty cake - Peek-a-Boo and I reach out and touch each other's hands
Going with the flow - sitting on the bathtub ledge watching Pebbles in the bathtub; sitting in the bathroom sink
Manicure - didn't like that much and only got one nail trimmed
Typing - I sent a coded IM to Leslie from Jeannie's computer and got a response
Hunting together - Pebbie, Peekie and I captured a fly. Peekie discovered, Pebbie took it off the window ledge and I stole it...but Leslie and Jeann killed it with the scratching box

Every night we're all on the big bed. Last night Peek-a-Boo and I were in the middle, but at one point when Peekie was snuggling and I tried to squeeze in between the pillow and her, she jumped off.

Next week I have to go the doctor for my check up. I'm looking forward to making a new friend. I'll let you know how much I tip the scale. I'm sure Dr. Walsh will find me fit as a fiddle and of course, adorable.

Mommie Karen, can you come for a visit on the 11th? We could all have dinner together.

Hope you like the pictures.

Whisker kisses to you, Peter Pan and Charlotte,

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

As the world turns...

Mommy Karin -SOOOO much has been going on at my new home and I wanted to share with you all the good things. Progress is definitely being made on the bonding aspect with Peek-a-Boo and Pebbles too. It's all so exciting and I don't know where to begin...

Last night we all engaged in a play date. Peek-a-Boo and Pebbles really like that cat dancer toy and were very animated with it. Naturally I took that as my cue to get in on the game. Well, maybe I got a little over anxious because Pebbles did a little hissing. But that's okay because we all trying to breakdown the barriers. Leslie intervened a little and got me interested in a different toy while Peek-a-Boo and Pebbles went back to playing. This really all is a milestone because it looks like those two are "getting back to normal." Huge relief for all.

Another wonderful thing...Peek-a-Boo and I kissed - I even got to put my head in her bowl and she didn't do anything, but Leslie did...she took me away. As you can see, I still have my nose to the ground scrounging.

Peek-a-Boo has been and continues to be really patient with me.Everyone on the big bed! :) That's what happened last night. We all snuggled up against Leslie and there wasn't any hissing. This, too, is really huge because Pebbles hasn't been too happy about coming up when I'm there. It was the first night since I've been here that this has happened. Peek-a-Boo spent the night on the bed too - something she normally does. This could get a little crowded...I hope they don't take up too much room.

The other two are using my litter box. :( Oh well, makes no difference, I use theirs. I try to watch Peek-a-Boo because she's real good about cleaning up after Pebbles and me. But then a little light bulb goes off in my head and I say to myself "why bother...just let Peek-a-Boo do it.

"Oh Mommy Karin, you should have seen me this morning. Play time in the hallway. We all went out first thing - as we do everyday - and we charged down to the very end. I even went around the bend after Leslie checked to see that the fire door was closed. There's just so much to explore. I'm telling you it was a regular Kodak moment and we didn't have the camera.
After breakfast, we had a little laser light game going on before settling into the apartment for the day.

I hope that all the other little kitties from Kitten Little Rescue get to find such good homes. I know that all those nice people at the shelter will match the kittens up with the right people.

Well Mommy Karin, don't forget that I think about you, Charlotte and Peter Pan often. I'm never too busy for that. I frequently wonder what you're all up to and hope that you're all well. I'll make sure to write again soon to keep you posted on my progress. I'm trying to be a good girl and think I'm doing a pretty good job. We'll send photos again too. Maybe I can get Peek-a-Boo and Pebbles to pose with me! :)

Hugs and kitty kisses to all,

Sunday, September 21, 2008

What a Difference a Day Makes...

Mommy Karin -

I hope this finds you, Peter Pan and Charlotte are well. Isn't this beautiful weather? I've got so many little feathery things to look at when I peek outside the windows. Did you know they made all sorts of noise?

Last night was a pretty good night. I got to stay on the big bed and when Pebbles jumped up a couple of times there was a little hissing and growling, but I stood my ground. Peek-a-Boo came on the bed too, but didn't stay long. Fortunately, those two are getting back to their old selves especially when they're in the hallway. Once they come back inside though, Pebbles gets a bit agitated. I keep trying to impress them with my ability to play by myself. During the night, when I knew that they were both watching me, I decided to be very cheeky and take this toy - a ball with a furry tail - and bring it onto the bed, throw it in the air and bounce around with it. Great fun, or so I thought. Then, something distracted me, so I got off the bed and Leslie rolled to ball toward me. I chased it and was playing with it in front of Pebbles. We all heard a few growls at that point. Peek-a-Boo is taking the approach to let Pebbles be the "bad guy" and she's making the effort to break the ice. This morning she came a little closer to me and she seemed much more curious than irritable. I was flattered.

Mommy Karin, I made everyone very happy today. I christened my new potty. And, the great thing about that is, Peek-a-Boo does all the potty housekeeping and I don't have to. I've been eating all my food and try hard not to scavenge, but I still have my nose to the floor.

Well, I've got to catch up on my beauty sleep now. It's exhausting being so cute and cuddly. Peek-a-Boo, Pebbles and I are going to be left alone for a little bit today. We'll all have to be on our best behavior.

Love to you, Peter Pan and Charlotte,

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Oh What a Night!

Mommy Karin -

Sorry I couldn't come to the phone when you called today as I was otherwise previously engaged in a tug-of-war with my newest fan member, our neighbor Eddie. Leslie told me that he was going to come in and visit with us while she and Jeann are at work during the week.

I have to tell you, Peter Pan and Charlotte all about my first night at West 60th Street. After you left, I continued my exploring - so much to investigate. Peek-a-Boo and Pebbles did a little hissing at me and at one another. But I decided to take over the place. When it was time to go to sleep - still don't understand why we had to go to bed, I decided that I would lie down on a big pillow. Every time Leslie would get up, I'd have to follow. What fun that was! :) Anyway, all night long I was jumping up and down and all around...I even went up Leslie's t-shirt and came out by her head. I'm such a cheeky girl, aren't I? Oh yeah, Jeannie tells stories in Greek.

Wow, finally breakfast time! :) Boy, was I ever hungry. You know what, Mommy Karin? Leslie opened the front door and everyone got to run outside. Pebbles and Peek-a-Boo went a long way away from home though...I had to follow Leslie because I didn't want to get lost. Guess what I had for breakfast? Yup, you know.

Jeannie took a shower, just like you used to. And I got to lick her toes! Oh boy...I even explored the bath tub. Gee, this place is just like Romper Room. Mommy Karin, this home is still a bit unfamiliar and I miss everyone! I especially miss snuggling with Peter Pan and Charlotte. Maybe if I go to sleep and take a nap, I'll be able to dream about them. That's a good idea. I'll do just that.

I know I promised to pose real cute like, but so far I haven't been too cooperative. However, Leslie did try to get a couple of photos and I asked her to send the only one that showed my better side. I'll try harder to sit still next time.

Hugs and kisses to you, Peter Pan and Charlotte,

Peaches Says Good Night

Dear Karin -

I wanted to send this note to thank you for the love and warmth that you, Peter Pan and Charlotte gave to me while I was in your home. I am forever grateful to you and you will always be a part of my life and in my memories.

I promise that I will be on my best behavior while with Peek-a-Boo and Pebbles too - I'm sure we'll become fast friends...once the fur settles down. I know that Leslie and Jeann will take good care of me and that we'll all have a terrific life together. But you must promise me that you'll come for frequent visits - I'd like that a lot. I'll make sure to pose real cute like for all the pictures that Leslie takes - you'll never forget this adorable face.

Well, I should probably get back to this "getting acquainted stuff" so that we can all begin the family bonding process. Please know that I miss you all already, but that I'm in good hands. I will never forget you, Peter Pan and Charlotte!

I hope Peter Pan and Charlotte like the toys - gee, it's like Petco here. I'll remember them as I'm lying on the place mat and pillow that you gave to Leslie.

Love to you all,

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bea and the Pea

Well, hello there boys....My name is Beatrice and I have been hand picked from Kitten Little Rescue to live with Mr. Sweet Pea in an apartment just south of Central Park in Manhattan. Our plans include chasing each other around, batting at each other, cuddling, cleaning each other and of course, breakfast at Tiffany's when our keepers are out working hard to bring home our gourmet feasts.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ninja and Olive - adopted 4th August 2008

...The kittens are amazing and keeping me very entertained. Butterscotch (now named Olive) and Mona (now named Ninja) have definitely come into their own. Olive has a sweet, young and hilariously awkward playful personality. Ninja on the other hand is just that... a total ninja! She is methodical, gets into anything she can, and can jump higher than I have ever seen! Anyway, I love how different they are and I can't wait to see them grow into beautiful cats...